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OpenAI and Google have successively postponed the release of new products. Is AI heat declining or is it "holding back big moves"?

An internal memo from OpenAI revealed that the company has delayed the launch of its GPT Store until early 2024.。Coincidentally, Google was also revealed to have cancelled its Gemini conference scheduled for this week and postponed it until January next year。

According to media reports, an internal memo from OpenAI revealed that the company has delayed the launch of its GPT Store until early 2024.。

OpenAI Infighting Disrupts R & D Rhythm?

On November 6, OpenAI announced at its first developer conference that users can start building custom versions of ChatGPT without having to learn any coding.。OpenAI said it will launch GPT Store later in the same month.。Users can find other user-customized chatbots in it, or they can launch their own GPT, and they can also make money based on the number of people using their own GPT, just like an app store in a mobile phone。

"We are now planning to launch GPT stores early next year.。"While we had expected to release it this month, something unexpected kept us busy.。"

What OpenAI means by "unexpected things" refers to high-level disturbances within the company.。On November 17, the company's CEO Sam Altman was unexpectedly ousted, and the company was plunged into "leaderless" chaos.。After five days of boardroom turmoil, Altman is officially reinstated as CEO。The company's board has also undergone a reshuffle.。Microsoft also successfully entered OpenAI's board of directors in this round of reshuffle, but has no voting rights。

This internal "palace fight" disrupted the pace of the company's normal research and development, and the delay in the launch of the GPT Store was expected.。

However, as the dust settles on OpenAI's board of directors, some details behind the storm are beginning to emerge。According to OpenAI insiders, the reason for Altman's departure is related to the latest breakthrough in artificial intelligence technology within the company.。OpenAI may develop a more powerful model based on this artificial intelligence technology code-named Q *。Although Q * is considered by some internal employees to be "a threat to humanity."。

In announcing the postponement of the release of the GPT Store, OpenAI also said that the company has been making improvements to GPT based on user feedback, and said: "We will be making some other major updates to ChatGPT soon.。"

It is not known whether the so-called Q * has been integrated into the development of the new GPT version by OpenAI.。


Google delays release of Gemini

Coincidentally, Google was also revealed to have cancelled its Gemini conference scheduled for this week。Similarly, Google has postponed Gemini's launch until January.。

Google originally planned to launch Gemini during the holiday season at the end of the year, though Google has not publicly announced the news.。People familiar with the matter said that Google found Gemini "unable to handle some non-English queries reliably," prompting CEO Sundar Pichai to delay the plan.。

Gemini, seen as Google's most important product this year, was developed by Google's DeepMind Artificial Intelligence Lab.。Gemini is a large language model for processing text, essentially similar to GPT-4, which provides support for ChatGPT。But DeepMind's team will combine the technology with that used in AlphaGo, aiming to give the system new capabilities, such as the ability to plan or solve problems.。

Introducing Gemini, DeepMind co-founder and CEO Demis Hassabis said: "At a high level, you can think of Gemini as combining some of the advantages of the AlphaGo system with the amazing language capabilities of large models.。"

Gemini is also expected to improve Google's existing AI and AI-enhanced products, such as Bard, Google Assistant and Google's search engine.。

For Google, Gemini is a focal point in its plans to catch up with ChatGPT, and an important sign of its AI capabilities.。But because OpenAI pre-empted the release of ChatGPT, and has established a worldwide visibility。Google's Gemini development is not just about catching up with ChatGPT, the company's ambitions are much bigger - Google executives want to make Gemini a phenomenal product to prove Google's leading position in artificial intelligence。

Therefore, given the importance of this release, it is natural that Google will not risk making the flawed Gemini public at will。People familiar with the matter said Gemini's R & D team is improving it, hoping Gemini will run well in multiple languages around the world.。


When is the next ChatGPT moment??

OpenAI and Google forPublishWith the caution of new products, it can be seen that the current artificial intelligence competition has entered a new stage

Prior to the birth of ChatGPT, a breath attracted the attention of the world。A number of subsequent technology companies have demonstrated their AI results, but in fact, these results are basically "ChatGPT-like"。The outside world for such products have appeared "aesthetic fatigue"。Even if it does something on par with ChatGPT, it's hard to compete with ChatGPT because ChatGPT is firmly in the majority of the market.。That for the investment of a lot of human and financial resources of enterprises, not to mention the benefits, the cost can not be recovered is still a problem.。

In this case, for OpenAI competitors, only by creating the next "ChatGPT moment" can the benefits of AI R & D be maximized.。In this way, you can understand why Google executives want to make Gemini a phenomenal product.。

And not only is Google doing it, but so is Amazon.。

In early November, it was reported that Amazon was working on a model codenamed "Olympus" internally.。The team training Olympus is led by Rohit Prasad, Amazon's chief scientist for General Artificial Intelligence (AGI), and reports directly to CEO Andy Jassy, demonstrating the importance of this project.。

The Olympus model being trained by Amazon will have up to two trillion parameters, according to people familiar with the matter, one of the largest models being trained so far disclosed。In contrast, OpenAI's GPT-4 model has one trillion parameters, and this is already one of the best models available.。More parameters mean that the model can be better adjusted to complete the task, and all aspects of the performance of the AI robot are expected to reach a higher level.。Olympus could launch as early as the end of December.。

It can be seen that large technology companies are coincidentally "holding back" and will be released from the end of this year to early next year.。At that time, the outside world may usher in a new "AI feast"。When the next "ChatGPT moment" will come, let's wait and see。


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