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加拿大的 CSA 警告说 , 社交媒体投资集团

诈骗者可能会首先推销一只知名股票 , 然后通过 WhatsApp 聊天 , 将您推向风险更高 , 不熟悉的股票.

加拿大证券管理局 ( CSA ) 已发出警告 , 警告在 Facebook 和 Instagram 等社交媒体上推广的欺诈性 “投资集团 ”.这些团体可能正在运行一个名为 “泵和转储 ” 的骗局.”

骗局是如何运作的 :

  • Scammers use social media to advertise investment groups promising high returns to would-be investors.
  • They artificially inflate the price of a stock they own shares of, by hyping it up.
  • Once enough people buy in at the high price, the scammers sell their shares causing the price to crash.
  • Investors who bought at the high price suffer significant losses and investor harm.

他们如何引诱你 :

  • Private WhatsApp chat: The scammers promote the groups on social media platforms. Then they invite would-be investors to encrypted group chats on WhatsApp.
  • Fake credentials: They might claim to be a registered professional or affiliated with a legitimate company or celebrity.
  • Shifting targets: They may start by pitching a well-known stock and then, through WhatsApp chats, push you towards riskier, unfamiliar ones. These are often listed abroad in places like Hong Kong.
  • Pressure tactics: They will try to convince you to invest as much money as possible, even from friends and family.

CSA 已警告散户投资者保护自己 , 并警惕未经请求的投资建议 , 尤其是在社交媒体上.在声称提供投资建议的 “投资小组 ” WhatsApp 聊天中进行互动时要小心.有些是旨在利用潜在投资者的骗局.

在投资之前 , 请检查投资顾问的背景 , 资格和纪律历史.您可以使用 CSA 的国家注册搜索.检查 CSA 的投资者警报页面以获取要避免的公司列表.您可以从 CSA 订阅更新 , 以了解何时发出新警报.

如果您认为自己是此骗局或类似骗局的受害者 , 请立即与您的银行 , 当地警察 , 当地的省级证券监管机构和加拿大反欺诈中心联系。.

About The CSA

CSA 是加拿大各省和地区证券监管机构的理事会 , 负责协调和统一加拿大资本市场的监管.

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