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Apple Vision Pro's latest patent approved virtual conference can also say "whisper"?

Apple is very good at capturing this flaw of online meetings: in business meetings, private communication between teams is essential, and online meetings on current devices basically kill this possibility completely.。

On November 9, according to media reports, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office recently granted Apple a patent that allows two Vision Pro users to have private conversations in a virtual meeting.。


New Vision Pro patent makes "encrypted calls" possible


This patent well simulates the scene of participants saying "whispers" during a meeting.。During a meeting, generally speaking, when the two attendees sitting next door need to talk about something in private, the two will silently put their heads close together and whisper。However, in a typical online meeting, the attendees either have to close the wheat or be able to open it all, and the attendees sitting next door have no chance to communicate privately at all。

Vision Pro新专利

Apple is very good at capturing this flaw of online meetings: in business meetings, private communication between teams is essential, and online meetings on current devices basically kill this possibility completely.。The newly released patent provides a way for the first Vision Pro user to have a private conversation with a second Vision Pro user, based on the following principle: In Vision Pro, Apple has a built-in speedometer and gyroscope, two pieces of hardware that can tell if a Vision Pro user is tilting with the intention of the Vision Pro user next door.。When Vision Pro determines that a user may want to have an "encrypted call" with the user next door, Vision Pro creates a virtual privacy mask between the two users that includes both avatars.。

It's important to note that this privacy mask is simply a visual cue that the first and second users are having a private conversation, but the voice of either of them will not be projected out of the privacy mask into the rest of the meeting environment.。In the privacy cover, the two users' Vision Pro will automatically establish a two-way private audio channel to double protect the conversation。

In addition, Apple also explained in the patent, not only the user's head tilt action can trigger the privacy cover, any can show that Vision Pro wants to trigger the "whisper" desire of the first user behavior, will likely trigger the new privacy cover function, greatly improving the convenience。


Vision Pro on sale soon Apple wants to carry out employee training


As 2023 draws to a close, there are more and more warm-ups about the official launch of Vision Pro。According to the previous forecast, this apple ten years to sharpen a sword of the next generation of products, will be in 2024 "early" officially listed, and what this "early" refers to a few months, Apple did not reveal too much。

But what is certain is that, in order to fight the battle of Vision Pro, Apple's various departments have entered a state of readiness.。According to recent news, Apple's product division has sent a memo to retail store employees asking them to apply for a secret "product training event" in Cupertino, California.。At the training event, Apple technicians will give these retail employees a comprehensive introduction to Vision Pro products and train them on the complex sales process。

Apple noted in the memo that selected team members will travel to Cupertino, California, for the event in the first few months of 2024.。After returning to Apple retail stores, they will provide training and ongoing support to team members。For members who are keen to showcase Apple products and teach others。This is an opportunity to participate in group activities, want to join the Apple retail store employees, need to go through the application and interview process。

In other words, not all Apple retail employees can participate in this training, Apple needs to select a group of "pioneers," and then by these "pioneers" back to the store to pass on the training content to the relevant colleagues, which is a relatively economical and practical approach.。


As previously expected, Apple attaches great importance to this Vision Pro product and regards it as another fist product that can change the market ecology after the iPhone.。For this reason, Apple not only made Vision Pro a blockbuster finale during WWDC23 this year, but also was willing to lend Vision Pro products before the product was released, so that developers around the world could better create all kinds of apps that could be applied to Vision Pro.。

On November 28, Apple will prepare an event called "Apple Vision Pro Developer Lab" in Shanghai, China.。At that time, Vision Pro developers will have the opportunity to experience visionOS, iPad OS or iOS applications running on Apple Vision Pro.。


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