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ECB Governing Council Vasle: More data needed to confirm inflation trajectory。Labor market remains tight, triggering wage pressures。The labor market is very important for the next step。If things go as expected, further rate cuts can be made。Care must be taken not to declare victory over inflation too soon。

ECB Governing Council Vasle: More data needed to confirm inflation trajectory。Labor market remains tight, triggering wage pressures。The labor market is very important for the next step。If things go as expected, further rate cuts can be made。Care must be taken not to declare victory over inflation too soon。

ECB Governing Council Vasle: More data needed to confirm inflation trajectory。

Labor market remains tight, triggering wage pressures。

The labor market is very important for the next step。

If things go as expected, further rate cuts can be made。

Care must be taken not to declare victory over inflation too soon。

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