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Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference with reporters asking questions about the situation in Syria。Mao Ning said that China welcomes all measures that will help ease tensions between countries in the Middle East and promote regional peace and stability.。We also call for respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and other countries and for the advancement of the political settlement of the Syrian issue in accordance with the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned principle.。(CCTV News)

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference with reporters asking questions about the situation in Syria。Mao Ning said that China welcomes all measures that will help ease tensions between countries in the Middle East and promote regional peace and stability.。We also call for respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and other countries and for the advancement of the political settlement of the Syrian issue in accordance with the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned principle.。(CCTV News)

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference with reporters asking questions about the situation in Syria。Mao Ning said that China welcomes all measures that will help ease tensions between countries in the Middle East and promote regional peace and stability.。We also call for respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and other countries and for the advancement of the political settlement of the Syrian issue in accordance with the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned principle.。(CCTV News)

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