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Recently, the differences between the Israeli government and the military have become increasingly public.。On July 2, local time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a statement rebutting Israeli military officials and reiterating once again that Israel will not "cease fire without achieving all its goals."。(CCTV News)

Recently, the differences between the Israeli government and the military have become increasingly public.。On July 2, local time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a statement rebutting Israeli military officials and reiterating once again that Israel will not "cease fire without achieving all its goals."。(CCTV News)

Recently, the differences between the Israeli government and the military have become increasingly public.。On July 2, local time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a statement rebutting Israeli military officials and reiterating once again that Israel will not "cease fire without achieving all its goals."。(CCTV News)

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