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Open AI palace fight drama finally ended, why Sam Altman can return to OpenAI?(below)

As mentioned in the previous issue, due to irreconcilable contradictions, OpenAI's conservatives fired their first shot at business, announcing the dismissal of OpenAI's meritorious founder, business flair Sam Altman.。Then, under pressure from all sides, they had to agree to return negotiations with Altman.。On November 20, Altman returned to his hometown, wearing a visitor's badge to OpenAI and the board of directors for return negotiations, the results of the two sides are still tit-for-tat, the final negotiations broke down.。As a result, Altman, who has finalized his freedom, has suddenly become a hot potato in the transfer market, and in the face of invitations from all sides, he has finally chosen Microsoft, OpenAI's closest father, to lead a new AI team at Microsoft.。After Microsoft announced that Altman had joined and led the new AI team, OpenAI employees couldn't sit still, and they couldn't accept such a good big brother who took them to make a lot of money being sent away for nothing.。As a result, more than 500 employees issued a joint open letter asking the board to resign and recall Altman, and if they didn't agree, they followed Altman to Microsoft.。At this point, the directors of OpenAI finally discovered that they had seriously misjudged the situation and that no one wanted to work with them to develop unprofitable artificial intelligence.。At the same time, a greater crisis is coming, OpenAI found that, in the face of more than 500 people's collective investment, not bad money Microsoft actually made a detailed plan, want to fully absorb the world's best artificial intelligence research army, the future counterattack OpenAI。Despite ten million reluctance, the board, which knew it was losing power, had to whisper to Altman to come back and negotiate.。This time, they didn't dare to make too many demands, and the negotiations ended smoothly, resulting in Altman's return to OpenAI as CEO.。At this point, the history of the development of artificial intelligence, the biggest palace fight finally came to an end, the failure of the conservative palace not only officially shed the ideal coat of non-profit, but also indicates that OpenAI will eventually embark on the road of commercialization.。


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