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Miha Tour Steadily Ranked First in June for Chinese Game Manufacturers to "Go to Sea" Tencent Still Ranked Second

July 17, data.AI released the ranking of Chinese game manufacturers and applications in June 2023.。Judging from the rankings, the top six are still stable。The first to sixth place are: Miha Tour, Tencent, Lilith, Sanqi Entertainment, Dot Interactive and IM30.。

July 17, data.AI released the ranking of Chinese game manufacturers and applications in June 2023.。Judging from the rankings, the top six are still stable。The first to sixth place are: Miha Tour, Tencent, Lilith, Sanqi Entertainment, Dot Interactive and IM30.。


In June, a number of strategy-focused track-going game manufacturers were ranked higher, including Shell Games, Topwar Studio, and Lingxi Entertainment.。Among them, while "Three Kingdoms - Strategic Edition" is playing steadily, with the bright performance of the new tour "Three Kingdoms Fantasy Land" (Three Kingdoms Fantasy Land) in the Korean market, the revenue ranking climbed 5 places to 13th.。

Game maker Ujoy Games saw significant revenue growth in June, with its RPG-placed mobile game "Mosaic Heroes" (Pixel Heroes) having previously achieved good results in Taiwan, China。After the Korean version was officially launched in early June, it not only topped the Apple and Google dual-platform download list, but also saw a surge in revenue, helping Ujoy Games successfully break into the top 30 of the revenue list of overseas manufacturers, ranking 24th.。

Overall, in June, China's mobile game out to sea competition is still fierce。In the top ten of the list, except for Mihajou's "Collapse: Star Rail" (Honkai: Star Rail), which is firmly in the first place, the rest of the game rankings are floating.。Strategy games, as one of the most mature sea tracks for Chinese mobile game manufacturers, account for half of the top 30 in user spending rankings.。

In addition to the top 10, data.AI also focuses on two games。One is the team battle (RPG) game "Three Kingdoms Fantasy Continent"。Driven by popular markets such as South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia, the game's revenue growth rate reached 20% in June, driving its revenue ranking up 22 places from the previous month to 22nd.。

The second is "Azur Lane" of the network.。This is a two-dimensional barrage shooting to develop a hand tour, launched a number of activities between the end of May and the beginning of June, to help it in June ranking up 14, to the 26th。At present, the game's largest overseas market is still Japan, contributing more than 50% of revenue.。



In June, a total of 39 Chinese manufacturers were shortlisted in the TOP100 global hand tour revenue list.


If you look not only at the "sea" situation, but from the total revenue of game manufacturers, according to Sensor Tower data, in June a total of 39 Chinese manufacturers shortlisted in the global mobile game publisher revenue list TOP100, a total of 18 gold..$900 million, accounting for 38% of global TOP100 mobile game publisher revenue.6%。


Among them, the more outstanding performance includes NetEase, Dot Interactive, Midnight Lightyear and Ujoy Games.。

Netease on June 20 launched the racer tour "Peak Speed" after the listing quickly rushed into China's domestic iPhone hand tour best-selling list of the top three, ranked first in June China's domestic iOS hand tour download list。In addition, the June 30 launch of the martial arts MMO mobile game "against the cold," listed so far to maintain China's domestic iPhone mobile game download list of the top two, best-selling list of the top three results.。The success of these products helped NetEase's June revenue grow 12.4%。

The interactive "Whiteout Survival" (Apocalypse of Frost), with its unique theme of the end of ice and snow, stood out from the crowd of local RPG mobile games and ranked 8th on the best-selling list of Korean mobile games in June.。Driven by this game, Dot Interactive earned another record high in June, advancing to No. 7.。

On June 7, the Xiu Xian mobile game "Immortal Road 3" became the second-ranked mobile game product under Asahi Lightyear, bringing it 31% revenue growth, raising its ranking by five places to 15th.。

Zilong Games launched the second-dimensional SRPG mobile game "Archeland" in the Japanese market in mid-June, and the turn-based RPG mobile game "The Seventh Epic" with overseas revenue exceeding $600 million in the Chinese market.。Driven by these two games, Zilong game revenue surged 143 in June.8%, back to 23rd on the list。

Ujoy Games launched the RPG mobile game "Pixel Hero" () in the Korean market in early June, and then reached the top of the Korean mobile game download list in June, airborne mobile game best seller list No. 7。As a result, Ujoy Games' revenue surged 875% to a record high, ranking 39th on the publisher's revenue list.。

Against the backdrop of South Korea's local manufacturers flocking to the heavy hand tour market, Chinese hand tour manufacturers have been targeting market gaps in recent years to reduce the burden on players through moderate hand tours.。Facts have proved that these games are popular with the new generation of local players and have become an effective strategy for Chinese manufacturers to break through.。

In addition to the list, the top 100 Chinese mobile game publishers in global revenue also include 39 manufacturers such as Deep Blue Interactive, Giant Network, Heartbeat Network, Youku Prosperity, 4455 miniclip, Yale Technology, Athletic World, Mattel 163, etc.。


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