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A giant "X" has been erected on the roof of Twitter's headquarters?Government: Unapproved operation is illegal

On July 29, local time, Musk tweeted a video showing a huge "X" sign standing above Twitter's headquarters building in San Francisco, but the giant sign did not win the favor of local residents.。

Since announcing last week that he would change Twitter's famous "Little Bluebird" logo to an "X," Musk has begun to push forward with various de-" Little Bluebird "tweets.。

On July 29, local time, Musk tweeted a video showing a huge "X" sign standing above Twitter's headquarters building in San Francisco.。


But the giant sign did not win the favor of local residents.。Residents living nearby have complained that the lights are too bright, giving them light pollution。

"It's hard to describe how bright it (the new sign) makes this intersection," a nearby resident said in an interview.。"

It is reported that the relevant government departments received 24 complaints over the weekend。


In addition, city officials have objections to the new logo。They said the installation of oversized roof signs required planning review and approval, but Twitter did not get approval.。A spokesman for the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection said: "Building permits are required to ensure that signs are structurally sound and installed safely.。"

But when the inspection agency's staff wanted to enter the Twitter building for inspection, they were rejected by the company。The agency said an inspector, who spoke to Twitter representatives and representatives of building maintenance engineers, declined the inspection bureau to go up and look at the sign, but said it was "a sign that was temporarily lit for a certain event."。

The temporary sign was removed on Monday (July 31).。

A spokesman for the city's building inspection bureau said on Monday: "This morning, building inspectors observed that the building was being demolished.。"Owners will be charged for installing lighting structures without permission."。The fees will be used for building permits for the installation and demolition of buildings, as well as for investigations by the Housing Inspection Department and the Planning Department.。"

This farce-like incident has been criticized by many people, with some saying, "This is really a clown show."。But Musk's "toss" about Twitter's headquarters building is more than that.。

After Musk announced on July 24 that he would rename Twitter "X," he began to remove the "Twitter" sign on Twitter's San Francisco headquarters building.。But in the middle of the demolition, the local police appeared on the scene to stop the construction, and eventually the demolition project was not completed on the hasty end, leaving only a broken "Twitter."。


As for the reason for stopping the construction, city officials said that workers did not close the sidewalk during the demolition work, and there was a risk that the demolition items would fall and hit pedestrians.。In addition, Twitter did not obtain a permit to remove the building's external signs, so the police need to be involved in the investigation。

Since Musk took over Twitter last year, the company has faced a storm that hasn't stopped.。First there were major layoffs within the company, then a sharp decline in Twitter advertisers, and the rapid rise of rival Threads。

At a time when there are constant external voices singing empty tweets, Musk said on July 29 that Twitter's monthly users hit a new high in 2023.。As you can see from the pictures he posted, Twitter now has 5 users..400 million。According to a statement released by Musk before he bought the company in October, Twitter had 2 monthly active users as of May 2022..2.9 billion。


In addition, Musk said in March that the company was reversing the decline in advertising revenue by improving the relevance of advertising.。

But Musk's biggest change to Twitter is "changing his name."。Earlier this year, he incorporated Twitter into his "X Corp."。

Niklas Myhr, a marketing professor at Chapman University, said the name change showed that Musk had abandoned any plan to "reinvigorate Twitter as a strong independent social network, simply viewing the $44 billion spent on the network as a sunk cost."。"

Musk also explained his decision to change his name, citing concerns that consumers who associate the Bluebird logo with posting may not accept it as a company that primarily provides digital payment services.。

From the beginning, Musk's target is not just Twitter, he acquired Twitter just hope to use it as a carrier, in the above integration of payment, video and other functions, and eventually create a like China's WeChat universal program "X"。

Drew Benvie, CEO of social media consultancy BtenHall, said: "This is not so much about reinventing Twitter as it is about building a brand around Musk's empire, including SpaceX.。"


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