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According to CCTV News, on June 24, local time, the European Council issued a statement saying that the European Union decided to transfer the 1.4 billion euros of profits generated by the frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia to the Ukrainian aid fund.。It is reported that this payment is the first payment from the EU to use the profits of Russia's frozen assets.。According to the plan, the first tranches will be distributed to Germany, the Czech Republic and Denmark.。These countries will procure relevant products for the purpose of providing assistance to Ukraine。

According to CCTV News, on June 24, local time, the European Council issued a statement saying that the European Union decided to transfer the 1.4 billion euros of profits generated by the frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia to the Ukrainian aid fund.。It is reported that this payment is the first payment from the EU to use the profits of Russia's frozen assets.。According to the plan, the first tranches will be distributed to Germany, the Czech Republic and Denmark.。These countries will procure relevant products for the purpose of providing assistance to Ukraine。

According to CCTV News, on June 24, local time, the European Council issued a statement saying that the European Union decided to transfer the 1.4 billion euros of profits generated by the frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia to the Ukrainian aid fund.。It is reported that this payment is the first payment from the EU to use the profits of Russia's frozen assets.。According to the plan, the first tranches will be distributed to Germany, the Czech Republic and Denmark.。These countries will procure relevant products for the purpose of providing assistance to Ukraine。

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