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The China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will come into force tomorrow (July 1).。This is the first free trade agreement signed between China and Central and Eastern European countries, and it is also the 22nd free trade agreement signed by China.。After the entry into force of the agreement, the two sides will each gradually eliminate tariffs on 90 per cent of the tariff lines, of which more than 60 per cent will be eliminated immediately on the day the agreement enters into force, that is, tomorrow.。(CCTV Finance)

The China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will come into force tomorrow (July 1).。This is the first free trade agreement signed between China and Central and Eastern European countries, and it is also the 22nd free trade agreement signed by China.。After the entry into force of the agreement, the two sides will each gradually eliminate tariffs on 90 per cent of the tariff lines, of which more than 60 per cent will be eliminated immediately on the day the agreement enters into force, that is, tomorrow.。(CCTV Finance)

The China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will come into force tomorrow (July 1).。This is the first free trade agreement signed between China and Central and Eastern European countries, and it is also the 22nd free trade agreement signed by China.。After the entry into force of the agreement, the two sides will each gradually eliminate tariffs on 90 per cent of the tariff lines, of which more than 60 per cent will be eliminated immediately on the day the agreement enters into force, that is, tomorrow.。(CCTV Finance)

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