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On June 30, local time, the governor of Irkutsk Region of Russia, Kobzev, released a message saying that an Angara Airlines Mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing at a distance of 200 kilometers from the city of Bodaibo in Irkutsk Region that day。The plane was carrying seven staff and three crew members of the Russian Federal Aviation Forest Ranger, all of whom survived.。According to Kobzev, the helicopter was originally on a mission to transport additional fire-fighting operators to the Bodaibo area。After the accident, another aircraft carrying technicians has rushed to the scene, will determine the damage to the hard landing helicopter, and investigate the specific circumstances of the accident。(CCTV News)

On June 30, local time, the governor of Irkutsk Region of Russia, Kobzev, released a message saying that an Angara Airlines Mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing at a distance of 200 kilometers from the city of Bodaibo in Irkutsk Region that day。The plane was carrying seven staff and three crew members of the Russian Federal Aviation Forest Ranger, all of whom survived.。According to Kobzev, the helicopter was originally on a mission to transport additional fire-fighting operators to the Bodaibo area。After the accident, another aircraft carrying technicians has rushed to the scene, will determine the damage to the hard landing helicopter, and investigate the specific circumstances of the accident。(CCTV News)

On June 30, local time, the governor of Irkutsk Region of Russia, Kobzev, released a message saying that an Angara Airlines Mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing at a distance of 200 kilometers from the city of Bodaibo in Irkutsk Region that day。The plane was carrying seven staff and three crew members of the Russian Federal Aviation Forest Ranger, all of whom survived.。According to Kobzev, the helicopter was originally on a mission to transport additional fire-fighting operators to the Bodaibo area。After the accident, another aircraft carrying technicians has rushed to the scene, will determine the damage to the hard landing helicopter, and investigate the specific circumstances of the accident。(CCTV News)

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