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A document published on the Russian Legal Information website on June 29 shows that the Russian government has extended the temporary lifting of the gasoline export ban by one month.。According to the legal document, the deadline for Russia to temporarily allow gasoline exports was extended from June 30 to July 31.。The decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mishustin and came into force on the date of its publication.。(Xinhua News Agency)

A document published on the Russian Legal Information website on June 29 shows that the Russian government has extended the temporary lifting of the gasoline export ban by one month.。According to the legal document, the deadline for Russia to temporarily allow gasoline exports was extended from June 30 to July 31.。The decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mishustin and came into force on the date of its publication.。(Xinhua News Agency)

A document published on the Russian Legal Information website on June 29 shows that the Russian government has extended the temporary lifting of the gasoline export ban by one month.。According to the legal document, the deadline for Russia to temporarily allow gasoline exports was extended from June 30 to July 31.。The decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mishustin and came into force on the date of its publication.。(Xinhua News Agency)

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