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Vincent video model Sora comes out! OpenAI valuation skyrocketed into the world's third largest unicorn

On February 16, local time, OpenAI launched the first Wensheng video model - Sora。According to the official introduction, the creator only needs to give text instructions, Sora can create up to a minute of video based on the text。

After ChatGPT, OpenAI has once again detonated the artificial intelligence industry。

First Vincent Video Model Sora

On February 16, local time, OpenAI launched the first Wensheng video model - Sora。Sora is taken from the word "sky" in Japanese. According to the official introduction, the creator only needs to give text instructions, and Sora can create a one-minute video based on the text。

According to OpenAI, Sora is capable of generating complex scenes with multiple characters, specific types of motion, and accurate details of subjects and backgrounds.。The model not only understands what the user asks for in the prompt, but also how these things exist in the physical world。Sora can also create multiple shots in a single generated video, accurately preserving characters and visual style。


This is not the first product of its kind.。

Runway, a New York-based startup backed by Google and Nvidia, has an AI-based tool that can turn text into video.。In addition, Meta has a similar product called Emu Video。Last month, Google also launched text-to-video software called Lumiere.。

Although text-to-video products have long been available, none of them are comparable to Sora in terms of exquisite picture quality and realism.。OpenAI says on its website: "Sora is the basis for models that can understand and simulate the real world, and we believe this feature will be an important milestone in the realization of AGI (General Artificial Intelligence).。"

However, the current Sora is still flawed。According to OpenAI, Sora may have difficulty accurately simulating the physics of complex scenarios and may not be able to understand some specific examples of cause-and-effect relationships.。For example, a person bites a cookie, but after that the cookie may not have a bite mark。In addition, the model may confuse spatial details of cues, such as confusing left and right, and may have difficulty accurately describing events over time。

Currently, the product is still undergoing hazard testing to assess hazards or risks in critical areas。

The world's third largest unicorn

At the same time as the Sora launch, there were media reports that OpenAI had signed an agreement with venture capital firm Thrive Capital.。Under the latest agreement, OpenAI's valuation has been raised to $80 billion or more.。

According to the report, OpenAI will conduct an existing stock sale under a "so-called tender offer" led by Thrive.。People familiar with the matter said the deal would allow OpenAI employees to cash in their shares in the company.。

About nine months ago, the company was involved in a tender offer transaction in which Thrive Capital, Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz and K2 Global agreed to buy a stake in the company.。At the time, the deal valued OpenAI at $27-29 billion.。This means that in less than a year, OpenAI's valuation has nearly tripled.。

Notably, the $80 billion valuation would make OpenAI the third-most-valued tech startup in the world, behind TikTok's parent company ByteDance ($225 billion) and Elon Musk's rocket company SpaceX ($150 billion).。


SoraThe first "victims" have emerged.

Sora launched only three days, has attracted a lot of attention around the world。Under the light of Sora, there have been a number of "victims," and Google is one of them.。

After the launch of Sora, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman accepted multiple requests for videos made by Sora on X.。As a result, Altman's comment section became unusually lively.。

Sam Altman

Compared to Altman personally off to meet the "wishes" of the marketing tools of netizens, Google is "dull" a lot.。

The day before Sora's release, Google officially released a new version of Gemini - Gemini 1.5

Google releases first Gemini 1 for early testing.Model 5 is Gemini 1.5 Pro。Google mentioned that Gemini 1.5 Pro has powerful information processing capabilities and can process 1 million tokens at a time, which is stronger than OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo。According to Google, Gemini 1.5 Pro can process about 700,000 words or about 30,000 lines of code at once, is Gemini 1.0 Pro processing capacity of 35 times。And Gemini 1.5 Pro is not limited to text, it can also analyze up to 11 hours of audio or one hour of video in various languages。

Gemini 1.5 Pro

Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind, Google's AI research lab, wrote in a blog post, "This is an exciting time for AI.。New advances in the field have the potential to enable AI to help billions more in the coming years。Since the launch of Gemini 1.0, we have been testing, refining and enhancing its capabilities。"

Despite Google's breakthrough, it hasn't caused much discussion in the market。Nikunj Kothari, a risk partner at Khosla Ventures, argues that Google is taking a "loss" from marketing.。

Kothari said Altman accepts the needs of users and publicly displays Sora's output, which greatly overshadows Google's impressive achievements.。He said he wanted to try Google's new results, but did not know where to start, "There is no playground, I can not try it myself."。He noted that "Google is already at a disadvantage and needs to share to take market share again."。"

Worse, there have been media reports recently that OpenAI is developing a web search product that may compete directly with Google and is expected to threaten Google's dominance in search engines.。According to the data, Google's search engine accounted for nearly 88% of the U.S. market in 2023, while Microsoft's Bing accounted for less than 8%.。It is unclear whether OpenAI will choose to "join forces" with Microsoft or prepare to "single-handedly" challenge Google's search business.。

Under the superposition of the above news, the market worries about Google's falling behind in the AI competition began to spread。Affected by this, on Friday, Google shares closed down。Among them, Google-A's share price fell 1..58%, while Google-C fell 1.51%。

In addition to AI peers like Google, the launch of Sora has put pressure on software companies' shares.。On Friday (February 16), the well-known computer software company Adobe shares fell sharply, down more than 7%。

Adobe is one of the largest and most diverse software companies in the world.。The company offers a range of software products and services for creative professionals, marketers, knowledge workers, students, app developers, businesses。

Adobe's products include image processing software Photoshop (Ps), two-dimensional animation software Flash (Fl), video editing software Premiere Pro (Pr), special effects synthesis software After Effects (AE) and so on, which were once regarded as Adobe's "moat."。But now, with the rapid development of AI, Adobe's "moat" has been greatly threatened。Pr this software, for example, although the software is currently widely used in advertising production and TV program production, but the emergence of Sora is bound to affect the advertising and TV production industry, Pr and other video production software will also be impacted, usage or face a decline, Adobe's stock price fell sharply is a microcosm of the market's concerns about related industries。

Not long after Sora came out, it had already shown great "power."。As Sora continues to update and iterate, how many industries will be affected and how many new "victims" will emerge, time will give us the answer.。


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