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JD is being heavily monitored for attendance! Liu Qiangdong's Wolf Manifesto: If you don't fight, you're not my brother

It is reported that JD has introduced new regulations internally, which will count the number of people working at workstations at 9am every day. At the same time, the new regulations will shorten the lunch break time to 1 hour, and the lights must not be turned off between 12am and 13am.

Recently, JD Group's strict control of attendance has sparked heated discussions.

JD's internal clock in service become an industry chain?

It is reported that JD has started to monitor attendance this time because there is a serious problem of internal employees checking in on behalf of others. It is reported that after internal investigation, it was found that up to 14,000 union members on JD.com hire someone to clock in on their behalf every month.

JD has a large number of employees and multiple departments, and the working hours vary among different departments. It is understood that some departments within JD.com implement a flexible work system, which allows employees to clock in before 10:30 am, while non flexible work departments generally require employees to clock in before 9:00 am. In addition, some management at higher vocational levels do not need to clock in.

This misalignment of clock in times creates a certain amount of operational space for proxy clock ins. It is reported that this type of proxy clock in has formed an industrial chain, with a fee of 15 yuan per proxy clock in, and one person can clock in for 20 people.

A JD employee said in an interview, "Some employees clock in for nearly a hundred days a year, leaving work at 4 o'clock every day, but can receive full salary. Some interns don't even come for two months, but they scammed the company out of 15,000 yuan by using proxy clock in. It is said that there are nearly 10,000 internal statistics and proxy clock ins per month."

Regarding this phenomenon, there are reports that JD has already introduced new regulations internally. The new regulations mention that the number of people at work stations will be counted every morning at 9 o'clock, and if the shuttle bus is delayed, proof photos must be submitted. In addition, the new regulations will also shorten the lunch break time to 1 hour, and the lights must not be turned off between 12 and 13 o'clock. Previously, JD.com had a lunch break of 2 hours, allowing employees to turn off the lights and sleep. Some employees even had to rest until after 2 o'clock to start their afternoon work, which is even more exaggerated than state-owned enterprises.

8 attendance rules proposed by JD.com are circulating online. It is mentioned that employees will be strictly checked for their attendance at 9 o'clock every day; Outside of working hours, regular and irregular spot checks will be conducted on the leisure areas inside the building, and employee registration will be checked; Randomly select employees for job saturation surveys; Even encouraging employees to report their lack of work engagement has sparked discussions among netizens.

Some netizens believe that clocking in on behalf of others must be managed, but they do not recognize that lunch breaks are only one hour long. "At one o'clock, all of your partners have to work at two or two thirty, so what is the significance of working at one o'clock?"

Some netizens also expressed that the fundamental reason for the emergence of proxy check-in is JD's own internal control failure. "It is difficult for any enterprise to tolerate large-scale absenteeism, but such a large-scale absenteeism can only be said to be completely out of control of grassroots management. It has nothing to do with whether employees are struggling or whether they are brothers. Don't keep talking about state-owned enterprises, they also find it difficult for them to tolerate such large-scale absenteeism and clock in on behalf of others."

At the time of public opinion fermentation, JD.com came out to refute the rumor, stating that it had been reported to the police, and the public security organs had begun to file a case for investigation.

Liu Qiangdong issued "Wolf Declaration"

The recent tense atmosphere on JD.com is closely related to the attitude of senior management. Recently, JD founder Liu Qiangdong has repeatedly issued "wolf like declarations".

On May 24th, Liu's internal conversation was exposed.

Liu bluntly said, "Whether it's our deep industry or the internal and external environment, we can never continue to let a large number of our employees lie down and take a deep sleep. I have to turn off the lights for two hours every day at noon. The company needs to have good performance, continuously increase salaries, and achieve our dreams. It's impossible for each of us brothers to do something amazing for a lifetime."

He also said, "If you have good performance, you can never need to work overtime. The company always loves you and provides you with very good income and benefits. If you assume that your performance is not as good and only reaches the average level, as long as you work hard, the company will never dismiss you. However, the company can never tolerate people with poor performance who never work hard and will gradually eliminate them through various means."

Liu had previously portrayed his employees as brothers, but now he has redefined the word "brother": "People who never strive are not my brothers."

Drive towards procurement and sales

At the same time, JD.com announced on the 27th that starting from July 1, 2024, within a year and a half, JD.com will increase its annual fixed salary for procurement and sales from 16 months to 20 months, with no ceiling on performance incentives.

JD.com announced last year that starting from January 1, 2024, the annual fixed salary of frontline business personnel such as JD.com procurement and sales will significantly increase by nearly 100%. At the beginning of 2024, the average salary increase for all JD.com retail employees will not be less than 20%.

Compared to competitors such as Taobao and Pinduoduo, JD's logistics and supply chain are its advantages. Last year, JD.com applied for registration of multiple trademarks, including "JD Sales Live Room", "Sales Live", and "JD Sales".

On April 16th of this year, Liu Qiangdong joined JD Supermarket and home appliance sales live streaming rooms in the form of AI digital humans, with over 20 million views and a total transaction value of over 50 million yuan in just one hour. Even Liu Qiangdong personally stepped down, which shows JD's emphasis on live streaming sales.

There are reports that JD.com is preparing to incubate top anchor influencers internally. If JD's sales live streaming room can incubate high profile anchors like Li Jiaqi and Dong Yuhui, it would be a godsend. It is reported that JD.com plans to select the top 100 talents by the end of the year, and the company has already invested billions of cash in the reserve stage of talents alone.


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