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SEC fines 12 municipal advisors $1.3M for recordkeeping violations

The firms agreed to pay combined civil penalties of more than $1.3 million to settle the SEC’s charges.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) today announced charges against 12 municipal advisors for failures by the firms and their personnel to maintain and preserve certain electronic communications.

The firms agreed to pay combined civil penalties of more than $1.3 million to settle the SEC’s charges.

The firms admitted the facts set forth in their respective SEC orders, acknowledged that their conduct violated recordkeeping provisions of the federal securities laws, have begun implementing improvements to their compliance policies and procedures to address these violations, and agreed to pay the following civil penalties:

  • Acacia Financial Group Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $52,000;
  • Caine Mitter and Associates Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $94,000;
  • cfX Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $42,000;
  • CSG Advisors Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $40,000;
  • Kaufman Hall & Associates LLC, together with Ponder & Company, agreed to pay a civil penalty of $324,000;
  • Montague DeRose & Associates LLC agreed to pay a civil penalty of $40,000;
  • PFM Financial Advisors LLC agreed to pay a civil penalty of $250,000;
  • Phoenix Advisors LLC agreed to pay a civil penalty of $40,000;
  • Public Resources Advisory Group Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $184,000;
  • Specialized Public Finance Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $250,000; and
  • Zions Public Finance Inc. agreed to pay a civil penalty of $47,000.

As described in the SEC’s orders, the firms admitted that, during the relevant periods, they failed to maintain and preserve communications sent and/or received by their personnel relating to municipal advisory activity and that these communications were records required to be maintained and preserved under the federal securities laws. The failures involved personnel at multiple levels of authority, including supervisors.

The firms were each charged with supervision failures and with violating certain recordkeeping provisions of the Securities Exchange Act and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. In addition to the financial penalties, each of the firms was censured and ordered to cease and desist from future violations of the relevant recordkeeping provisions.

Maria Nikolova

Maria has been engaged in journalism for more than 17 years, providing Forex industry coverage for the past 10 years. Before joining FNG she was Managing Editor at FinanceFeeds. Prior to that, she worked at LeapRate. Maria has a Philosophy degree from the St. Kliment Ochridski university in Sofia. She has specialized in Cognitive Science in Vienna. Her interests include psychology, AI, and linguistics.
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