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Refuse to bid on Chat GPT! Huawei Pangu large model clearly positioned: not to C but to B!

On June 26, the Huawei Developer Conference 2023 (Cloud) schedule was officially announced.。The highlight of this announcement is that Huawei has made a clear positioning of the Pangu model, putting an end to all previous conjectures。

On June 26, the Huawei Developer Conference 2023 (Cloud) schedule was officially announced.。It is understood that the conference is divided into four chapters, the first three chapters will focus on Huawei AI ecology, the content will involve "decryption" of the outside world to expect Huawei Pangu model, and clear the model positioning - for the industry born。In the fourth chapter, Huawei will focus on the developer ecosystem.。



"Enabling Thousands of Lines and Hundred Industries"


In terms of speakers, the opening will be Huawei Managing Director, Huawei Cloud CEO Zhang Ping An to bring "everything is service, AI reshapes thousands of lines and hundreds of industries" keynote speech, while Huawei Cloud EI Service Product Department Minister You Peng, Huawei Cloud Artificial Intelligence Chief Scientist Tian Qi, Huawei Noah's Ark Laboratory Director Yao Jun will focus on the Pangu model to do a detailed introduction.。

In addition, Xu Feng, Head of Huawei Cloud PaaS Services Products, Lu Yangming, Head of Huawei Cloud Media Services Products, and Corning, President of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology, will also talk about CodeArts, MetaStudio, and Developer Ecology, respectively.。

The highlight of this announcement is that Huawei has made a clear positioning of the Pangu model, putting an end to all previous conjectures。According to previous speculation, Huawei's asset model will be benchmarked to the Chat GPT and built as a conversational AI chat application mainly for the C-side by carrying the Chinese language (NLP) model.。

However, Huawei insiders quickly refuted the speculation, saying that Huawei's official caliber did not directly mention the release of the Pangu model, Huawei will not have "Pangu Chat" such naming, nor "benchmarking" industry products.。

The person also revealed that at present, all Huawei's business development is focused on the main channel, survival and development, if it is not the main channel business, Huawei will not go to development, Chat language class model, is not Huawei's strong point, so Huawei will not do it.。

At present, whether from Pangu's technical path or logical architecture, Huawei's positioning is oriented to the B-side, hoping that it will "empower thousands of lines and hundreds of industries."。According to the hierarchical logic of the Pangu model, the model is divided into three levels: L0-L1-L2。Among them, the L0 layer is a general basic large model, the L1 layer is a large industry model customized for different industries, and the L2 layer is oriented to the segmentation of different industries, and the segmentation model needs to be extracted from the L1 layer through workflow instructions.。

According to Huawei's official micro, Huawei Developer Conference 2023 (Cloud) will kick off in Dongguan on July 7, with branch venues in more than 10 countries around the world and more than 30 cities in China.。

华为开发者大会2023 ( Cloud )举行地点


Pangu model will usher in a major upgrade


Huawei has a long history of starting large model projects.。According to its official disclosure, in 2020, Huawei began to launch research and development projects for large models, and a year later it was the first to launch three of the five basic models of the L0 layer: the Chinese Language (NLP) large model, the Pangu visual large model and the Pangu scientific computing large model.。

In September 2021, Huawei launched a large model for drug R & D segmentation scenarios; in 2022, Huawei partnered with Energy Group to release the Pangu Mine Large Model, Pangu Meteorological Large Model, Pangu Wave Large Model, and Pangu Financial OCR Large Model.。


At present, in the L2-level segmentation scenario model, Huawei has introduced scenario models such as short-term and imminent weather forecast and typhoon forecast based on large-scale meteorological models, scenario models such as UAV power inspection and power defect recognition based on large-scale power models, and scenario models such as fashion-aided design and fashion copyright protection based on large-scale fashion models.。In addition, in the Internet of Things, smart cockpit, smart driving and other fields, Huawei has launched a variety of applications based on the Pangu model.。

In terms of computing resources, Huawei mainly through the Kunpeng chip, equipped with the Euler computer server operating system focused on the B-side ecology, to industry aggregation applications, through the platform and ecological two-wheel drive, forming an industry application matrix.。In the AI ecology, the Pangu model uses the Ioteng AI processor as the basis, through the module, standard card, small station, server and other rich product forms, to create a "end, edge, cloud" full stack solution, for the entire Ioteng AI industry to provide the underlying core support.。

According to Huawei, in this Huawei Developer Conference 2023 (Cloud), the Pangu model will usher in a major upgrade.。Huawei officials said that through continuous research and development, the current Pangu model in terms of performance, depth, architecture and data enhancement have been upgraded, in the process of continuous upgrading, focusing on improving the performance indicators of the model, while in the model training, reasoning speed and other aspects have been significantly improved, in addition, in increasing the depth of the model, Huawei has greatly improved the accuracy of the model and the ability to solve problems。

Huawei also said that the Pangu model is being continuously improved to improve the accuracy and generalization of the model.。At the same time, continuous upgrades enable the Pangu model to be applied to more scenarios, leverage its advantages, and further promote the development of natural language processing and AI technology.。







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