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CFTC in settlement talks with only remaining defendant in ROFX case

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has been in talks to partially resolve concerns about involvement in the foreign exchange fraud scheme ROFX..The lawsuit filed by Timothy Stubbs of net。

CFTC 与 ROFX 案唯一剩余被告进行和解谈判

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has been in talks to partially resolve its concerns about involvement in the foreign exchange fraud scheme ROFX..The lawsuit filed by Timothy Stubbs of net。The CFTC's November 30, 2023 filing with the Southern District Court of Florida makes this clear.。

Stubbs is the only defendant left in the case, because on October 3, 2022, the clerk, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Fed.Article 55 (a) P of the Code of Civil Procedure.55 (a) _ Notus, Easy Com, GEA, Grovee, Shopostar, Davis, Konovalenko, Shymko and Skala - failure to appear, plead or otherwise contest plaintiff。

According to recent court filings, the CFTC and Defendant Stubbs have been engaged in substantive negotiations to partially resolve the CFTC's civil enforcement action against Stubbs by negotiating a consent order.。

The parties are working together to quickly finalize the terms of the proposed consent decree.。CFTC attorneys will seek and obtain CFTC approval of final negotiation terms。Once the CFTC authorizes its designated counsel, the parties will submit a consent order to the court for approval, which is expected to be completed by the end of this year.。

Timothy Stubbs, a U.S. citizen, is a certified public accountant living in Brandon, Mississippi and / or the Atlanta, Georgia area.。Stubbs lives or resides at one or both of the addresses in Brandon, Mississippi provided in multiple Notus and Shopostar corporate filings with the Oregon Secretary of State and the Colorado Secretary of State。

Stubbs identified himself as Grovee's manager and was a signatory to an account Grovee opened with Bank of America, from which he accepted 15.$30,000 in client funds。Stubbs personally receives funds from this account and other corporate defendants "bank accounts, accepting client funds from ROFX。

Stubbs claims to have a "power of attorney" for Notus in a filing filed when the Oregon version of Notus was dissolved in April 2015。He was never registered with the CFTC in any capacity.。

ROFX is a fictional network entity, hosted in the United States through the website www.ROFX.Net operations。It is understood that ROFX is neither registered to conduct business in the United States nor is it a collective entity of a legal organization.。While the website claims that ROFX has offices in Miami, London and Hong Kong, ROFX has no offices, no employees, and it is understood that ROFX was set up solely to advance the defendant's fraudulent common cause.。

ROFX was never registered with the CFTC in any capacity。

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