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Tesla questioned the results of the media winter test and understood why the car emperor was dissatisfied by many car companies.?

A few days ago, I understand the winter performance test of dozens of new energy vehicles, but the test results have attracted the dissatisfaction of many car companies。

On December 14, Tesla's official microblog made a rare statement on the recent public opinion event of new energy vehicle winter test。

Tesla reposted the article in the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers' Automotive Vertical and Horizontal column on its official Weibo and wrote: "Our global engineering team conducts a large number of extremely harsh extreme cold tests every year to ensure product reliability.。As the association says, testing by the media away from industry standards can mislead the public and consume public resources.。"


Tesla's reference to "media testing out of industry standards" refers to the recent winter test of electric vehicles conducted by ByteDance's automotive information platform "Understanding Car Emperor."。

A winter test result has caused dissatisfaction among many car companies.

A few days ago, I understand the winter performance test of dozens of new energy vehicles.。The test site was in the Mohe region of Heilongjiang Province, China, with temperatures around minus 20 degrees Celsius.。The test includes basic performance, intelligence, ice and snow performance, frost resistance and other aspects, a total of dozens of individual tests.。Among them, the most interesting is the test result of the pure electric endurance of the hybrid model.。In this test, BYD's high-end brand looks up to the U8 at 85.08% of the battery life achieved rate ranked first, while the recent big net red asked the world M7 extended range version is 31.6% ranked last。

Understanding the winter test results of Che Di has attracted dissatisfaction from many car companies.。The first to come to an end was Huawei's Yu Chengdong.。Yu Chengdong said on his social media that this is a "pit man's test" and said that science and rigor are the basic rules that should be followed。


AITO cars also issued a rebuttal: "The vehicle was heated by air conditioning for a total of 71 minutes before the official test. After the temperature in the vehicle reached 24 degrees Celsius, it continued to heat for another 40 minutes.。In this process, there are more than ten operations to open and close the doors and windows, of which the longest time is more than 3 minutes, which greatly increases the energy consumption of the air conditioner and causes the power to drop rapidly。Under the severe cold limit and continuous heating conditions of the air conditioner, the windows and doors are opened for a long time many times, which seriously deviates from the user's real use scenario。"

In addition, the Great Wall, Geely and other brands have also questioned the winter test results of the understanding car emperor.。Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding Group, believes that the evaluation process of Understanding Car Emperor is unscientific and unrigorous, and the conclusion is not convincing, which not only misleads consumers, but also hurts the credibility of Understanding Car Emperor itself.。


In this regard, Understand Chedi responded on December 11 that all participating vehicles set off in formation after preparation, using uniform standards, in line with the user's winter car scene, and there is no differential treatment。And further said that the winter test will not be disturbed by car companies, normal, welcome users and car companies to put forward valuable suggestions。

Can winter test again dispel doubts from the outside world?

After understanding the results of the initial winter test of the car emperor, the outside world's doubts mainly focused on two points, one is to understand the impartiality of the car emperor, and the other is to understand the professionalism of the car emperor's test.。

On the first point, the previous network to understand the car emperor winter test commercial offer up to 16 million yuan, based on this, some netizens questioned the understanding of the car emperor may exist "collect money to do things" situation.。

In order to dispel doubts from the outside world, we once again held the 2023 Winter Test Open Day in Mohe at 9: 00 a.m. on December 14, and invited a number of car companies, media, industry organizations, user representatives and other on-site observations, as well as a live broadcast of the whole process.。

In the new winter test on the 14th, the understanding car emperor conducted a total of "extended range / plug-in hybrid pure electric endurance test" and "split road elk test" two tests。The former was carried out on the morning of the 14th, with a total of 6 cars participating.。After the test, BYD looked up to the U8 to win the first place again, and its extremely cold and pure electric range reached 65.5 km, significantly ahead of second place Landu FREE's 36.8km, is the last Linker 08 EM-P (6.5 km) ten times。And the question of the outside world M7 to 10.6km ranked second to last。


After comparing the pure electric cruising range advertised by these six cars, it can be concluded that the pure electric cruising achievement rates of these cars in extremely cold conditions are: Looking up at U8 (52.8%), Lanto FREE (23%), Tengshi D9 (13%), Takayama (12.4%), Q & A M7 (6%), and Lynk & Co 08 EM-P (3.5%)

In another "split road elk test," only the Lynk & Co 08 EM-P and Question Boundary M7 extended range versions of the six cars failed the test。


It is worth noting that the temperature environment faced by this winter survey on December 14 is minus 40 degrees。Understanding the car emperor believes that although the weather of minus 40 degrees is quite different from the previous test of minus 20 degrees, but through the consistency of the process, has ensured a relatively objective results。

On the 14th of this winter test live broadcast, understand the car from a number of aspects to prove their impartiality, and announced the test method to the outside world。


But the outside world for this winter is still controversial, which involves the second point, the so-called winter measurement of professional。

There are skeptical views that, although the understanding of the car has done its best to achieve the unity of objective conditions, but the winter test site environment is complex, a slight deviation may affect the entire final result.。Such as the driver's driving habits, whether the indoor temperature is really stable at a fixed temperature, how to avoid the automatic start of energy consumption functions such as defrosting, etc.。

As public opinion continues to ferment, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers is also involved in related discussions。

Dr. Wang Yao, Assistant Secretary General and Minister of Technology of the Association, said in an interview that any third-party assessment of vehicle performance, while different from the testing carried out in the process of vehicle product access or product development, should also follow and refer to the standards recognized by the relevant countries or industries.。

Dr. Wang Yao said that both national standards, industry standards and other standards are reviewed and certified through strict procedures, such as industry expert participation, technical demonstration, experimental verification and public consultation, to ensure that the testing standards and processes are scientific, reasonable and fair.。He noted that some media-owned assessment methods may lack certain certification steps, thus questioning their professionalism and universality.。

Dr. Wang Yao believes that media tests may be more entertaining, ornamental and storytelling, and more attractive to consumers, but often lack the participation and supervision of professional institutions, etc., and do not carry out tests according to industry-recognized standards, and their impartiality and professionalism will inevitably be questioned.。

Dr. Wang Yao also mentioned that the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers is working with industry companies and professional testing agencies to develop new energy vehicle evaluation standards and plans to publish them in the form of association group standards.。

On December 14, Great Wall Motors, which had previously questioned the results of the winter test of Che Di, held the "Roundtable Forum on Jointly Improving the Environmental Testing Level of China's New Energy Vehicles" and proposed seven initiatives.。These initiatives include "strict procedures for environmental testing of new energy vehicles should be established, and professionals should provide professional technical support," "all parties in the industry should correctly understand the responsibility of guiding public opinion, maintain a fair and just public opinion environment, and eliminate the impact of" business-based testing "on test conclusions" and "all parties in the industry should actively respond to jointly develop environmental testing standards for new energy vehicles and promote the release and application of standards."。


Although the winter test results of the car emperor are controversial, but at the same time, it also exposes the "cold dilemma" faced by new energy vehicles to more people.。Limited by technology, the current performance of new energy vehicles in severe cold environments will decline is the common sense of many people by default, but how much the decline is, and what is the result of the horizontal comparison between major brands?Such tests are rare, consumers can refer to the data is not much, and understand the car emperor backed by the byte system to form such a massive winter car performance test, to a certain extent, can be regarded as filling the "blank."。

After this incident, it remains to be seen whether the new energy vehicle industry can form a more professional and widely recognized winter performance test standard.。


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