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Challenging Google? OpenAI Tests New AI Search Feature SearchGPT

OpenAI states that SearchGPT aims to combine the advantages of OpenAI's AI model with information from the network, providing users with fast and timely answers as well as clear and relevant sources.

On July 25th, OpenAI announced that it is testing a temporary prototype of a new AI search function - SearchGPT. This feature aims to combine the advantages of OpenAI's AI models with information from the network, providing users with fast and timely answers as well as clear and relevant sources.


AI search function SearchGPT

The reason for launching this feature is that OpenAI believes that compared to traditional search methods, by enhancing the conversational ability of OpenAI models with real-time information from the network, users can find the desired content faster and easier.

As is well known, the information reserve on ChatGPT currently has a time limit, and SearchGPT seems to be breaking this limitation. OpenAI claims that SearchGPT will use the latest information from the network to quickly and directly answer users' questions.

SearchGPT not only answers user questions but also provides clear links to relevant sources of information. Unlike traditional search methods, users can also ask follow-up questions about the information provided by SearchGPT, just like talking to someone, where each query builds a shared context.


As for the source of this information, OpenAI stated that it will collaborate with publishers and creators.

SearchGPT helps users establish connections with publishers by highlighting references and links in their searches. The response has clear, inline, named attribution and links, so users know where the information comes from and can quickly access more results in the sidebar with source links.


OpenAI also included the views of executives from The Atlantic and media giant News Corp on the SearchGPT feature in the article, implying that these two media companies have already collaborated with it and their news information will also serve as reference materials for SearchGPT's responses. According to media reports, OpenAI's partners also include Vox Media.

Nicholas Thompson, CEO of Atlantic Monthly, said: "AI search is going to become one of the key ways that people navigate the internet, and it's crucial, in these early days, that the technology is built in a way that values, respects, and protects journalism and publishers. We look forward to partnering with OpenAI in the process, and creating a new way for readers to discover The Atlantic."

OpenAI also emphasizes that SearchGPT is about search functionality and is not related to training OpenAI's generative AI base model. Even if websites choose to opt out of generative AI training, they can still appear in search results.

OpenAI will launch this feature to a small group of users and publishers to obtain feedback. Although this prototype is temporary, OpenAI plans to integrate the best of these features directly into ChatGPT in the future.

Is the threat to Google imminent?

OpenAI's plan to launch AI search functionality is undoubtedly a challenge to search giant Google. The market quickly confirmed this concern, as Google's stock price plummeted after OpenAI announced the testing of its search function. On Thursday, Google closed down about 3%.

Although SearchGPT is aimed at Google, Google has monopolized the global search industry for many years and its position is difficult to shake.

After the emergence of ChatGPT, there has been a global craze for chatbots. One of Google's competitors, Microsoft Bing, has also started adding chatbot features similar to ChatGPT.

However, according to Statcounter data, as of June this year, more than a year after the core search business was attacked, Google still holds over 90% of the global market share, as if this war had never happened. In contrast, Microsoft's Bing market share (3.7%) is still hovering in low single digits.


For OpenAI, the new search function should be an additional feature, but it's hard to say how many users it can compete for among the popular singers.

Moreover, OpenAI is currently facing the challenge of declining traffic. According to Similarweb data, as of June this year, ChatGPT's traffic has declined from its peak of 1.8 billion visits in April 2024 to 260 million visits.


Therefore, it is too early to assert whether OpenAI or Google will win. This war has just begun, and the outcome may take several years to be revealed.


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