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[AT × SG Prospective] Data Center Project Approved Vietnam Digitalization See "Green Light"

Vietnam's National Data Center Project Approved for Operation in 2030, Helping Deeper Integration into Global Digital Economy。

On October 30, the Vietnamese government passed Resolution 175 / NQ-CP and approved the National Data Center project, which aims to enhance Vietnam's position in the global e-government, information technology and cybersecurity rankings.。The Government hopes that the centre will remove current data bottlenecks and promote the development of existing national databases and future database systems.。

It is reported that the national data center will be built, managed, used and operated by the government, and the center will integrate, synchronize, store, share, analyze, utilize and coordinate the data of various national institutions in accordance with laws and regulations.。There are two databases to be established, one focusing on population aspects and the other collecting data from national databases。


With data growth rates exceeding the global average, Vietnam is recognizing the importance of data infrastructure.。

Earlier this month, Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) launched its largest data center, VNPT IDC Hoa Lac, in Hanoi.。The centre reportedly covers an area of 2.30,000 square meters, can accommodate 2,000 racks, using G7 manufacturer's equipment, domestic connection speed can reach 2Gbps per rack, international connection speed can reach 0 per rack.5Gbps。

The data center is also equipped with N + 1 backup system, which can ensure stable operation even during maintenance。Data Hall uses a 6-layer security monitoring system that follows international standards to provide customers with the highest level of data security.。It will serve as a hub for international contacts, exchanging information, joint research and formulating development strategies with partners, especially in the field of science and technology.。

When completed, it will provide information technology infrastructure for socio-political organizations, national databases and institutions with data needs - using collected and synchronized data to streamline administrative procedures, improve the services provided by national institutions to citizens and businesses, and conduct in-depth analysis to help governments formulate and manage social security policies (insurance, health care and education, etc.)。

It is understood that some of the data in the center will include detailed information on population, insurance, health care, social security, education and training, as well as data on staff, including civil servants, public employees, identity records, citizenship and financial transactions.。In addition, it will store activities from ministries, government branches and local databases。

It is expected that by 2023, more than 90% of administrative activities involving information sharing among national agencies will be replaced by digital data from shared central warehouses.。

Thus, the data stored in the center will form the core of data-related service delivery, which will help decision-making and development, promote the development of digital government, society and economy, and even strengthen the level of defense and security.。

The center, which is scheduled to be operational by 2030, will help Vietnam integrate more deeply into the global digital economy, according to people familiar with the matter.。In addition to storing and connecting data from national databases and domestic information systems, it will also contain data from governments around the world to support various activities in cyberspace while safeguarding Vietnam's interests.。

The Vietnamese government hopes that by 2030, Vietnam will be among the top 50 in the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), the top 30 in the Information and Communication Technology Development Index (ID), and the top 30 in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI).。



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