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Sword to OpenAI! Musk announces that this week will open source xAI's Grok

On March 11, local time, Musk posted on his social media platform X that this week, his company xAI will open source the big model Grok。

On March 11, local time, Musk posted on his social media platform X that this week, his company xAI will open source the big model Grok。


Below this post, a user commented that OpenAI should do the same if they are really "open."。Musk said, "OpenAI is a lie."。"


Grok-1 has overtaken ChatGPT-3.5

Grok is a big model released by Musk's artificial intelligence company xAI in early November last year.。It is worth noting that xAI was established in July last year, that is to say, xAI launched the big model Grok-1 four months after its establishment, and the speed is staggering.。

Although it was established late, but thanks to a strong team, Grok's performance is still very good.。

According to the official introduction, the initial training parameters of the Grok-0 reached 33 billion。This early model is close to Meta's LLaMA 2 capabilities on the standard language model benchmark, but uses only half of its training resources, the xAI said.。Over the next two months, after many iterations within the company, Grok-0 further improved its reasoning and coding capabilities, resulting in a more powerful Grok-1.。

According to official test results on math and reasoning skills released last November, Grok-1 performed well。In multiple benchmarks, Grok-1 outperformed all other models in its calculation category, including ChatGPT-3.5。Currently, only models trained using large amounts of training data and computational resources (e.g. GPT-4) can outperform Grok-1.。


Musk's move could give the public free access to the code behind the technology and bring xAI in line with companies like Meta and France's Mistral, both of which have open-source AI models.。

Go to court

Musk's decision to open source Grok is to fight OpenAI.。Previously, Musk has repeatedly publicly criticized OpenAI for not being "open," clearly saying that he is OpenAI, but finally got behind closed doors.。

At the end of February, Musk formally filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and its executives in San Francisco Superior Court.。The indictment states that OpenAI and its personnel, contrary to the company's original intent, developed AI only for commercial gain rather than the common well-being of mankind, and that there was misconduct such as breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and unfair business practices.。Musk also asked for a court injunction barring the defendants, as well as Microsoft, from profiting from the company's General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) technology, and for the company to return to open source.。

Later, core members of OpenAI co-wrote to refute Musk, writing: "We regret that a man we greatly admire has come this far - he inspired us to set higher goals, then told us we would fail, created a competitor, and then sued us when we started making meaningful progress towards OpenAI's mission without him.。"

On the same day Musk announced open source Grok, OpenAI also filed a court document in a San Francisco court attacking Musk's allegations against the company and its executives.。OpenAI states in the filing that it did not violate its agreement with Musk because there was no so-called founding agreement and the company did not have any agreement with Musk.。

"If this case continues to be investigated, the evidence will show that Musk supports OpenAI's for-profit structure."。And said Musk abandoned the project when his will was not met.。But now seeing the remarkable technological advances that OpenAI has made, Musk now hopes to be successful himself as well.。

According to OpenAI, Musk's request for a court order for OpenAI to open all of its technology and research to the public is "extraordinary" and would "benefit Musk because his own for-profit AI company has not been successful in the marketplace."。"


Open Source Controversy

Since Musk filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, a number of tech investors, including OpenAI supporter Vinod Khosla and venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz co-founder Marc Andreessen, have been arguing over the open-source nature of AI.。

Musk is one of the "open source" faction.。He has said on computer scientist Lex Fridman's podcast that he favors open source artificial intelligence。The word Open in OpenAI should mean open source, which was created as a non-profit open source project.。But now it's a closed source code for maximum profit。"

Seeking alternatives to OpenAI and Google, and also to implement his own open-source AI ideas, Musk founded xAI and launched Grok last year.。In introducing Grok, the official mentioned that Grok was developed because of the desire to create artificial intelligence tools to help humans seek understanding and knowledge.。The company hopes to provide users with artificial intelligence tools while complying with the law.。"Our ultimate goal is to have our AI tools assist in the pursuit of understanding."。"

While open-source technologies are widely believed to help accelerate innovation, there are some voices of caution that open-source AI models could be used by criminals to create weapons and even develop superintelligence beyond human control.。

OpenAI executives have a similar view。According to OpenAI's previous rebuttal to Musk, OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever has said: "As we get closer to building artificial intelligence, it makes sense to start opening up less.。Openness in openAI means that everyone should benefit from the results of AI construction, but it is also perfectly possible not to share the science。"

In fact, there is no right or wrong in the open source battle for artificial intelligence, and it still depends on which point of view has the upper hand in the recent period of time.。Now that Musk and OpenAI have officially gone to court, it's up to the local judge to decide who will be better.。


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